Dad Bods
Guess what, moms are not the only ones who gain weight after having a baby! DAD BODS
A new study in by Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine that was published in the American Journal of Men's Health proves that men gain weight after the baby comes home. It appears that dads have less time to exercise and may not eat as well as they did before becoming a father because their family becomes a priority. This is a long term study on over 10,000 men over a 20 year period and it emphasizes the need to focus on preventive strategies for new dads. Prior studies only focused on how the bodies of new mothers are affected by becoming a new parent.
To combat this, I think Dads would benefit from the exercise program in Baby Bod - Turn Flab to Fab in 12 Weeks Flat. More information on the Baby Bod book can be found here. As a mother and a physical therapist with over 30 years experience in women's health, I developed a passion for helping moms improve their health, before, during, and after pregnancy. An easy to follow program can be found in my book, Baby Bod - Turn Flab to Fab in 12 Weeks Flat. It was developed to help pregnant women prepare for childbirth and for moms, even if it has been years since they became a mother, to recover from the lingering physical issues caused by pregnancy and childbirth. (You can find the book on Amazon. To get a free preview of the Baby Bod book click here